Fat Frog Cardano Stake Pool
About us

Our pool is new and needs your help to grow. We're committed to never missing a block.
Maximize your rewards with zero margin, multi-layered security, 24/7 monitoring, high-performance nodes, and geo-redundant connections.

Cardano aims to truly and globally decentralize its network. With this goal in mind, Cardano created one of the most advanced, evidence-based, and rigorously tested Proof of Stake (POS) protocols, Ouroboros. Ouroboros can truly and globally decentralized the Cardano blockchain, but only if the number of stake pool operators remains close to the number of stake pools. Unfortunately, some entities operates multiple stake pools, or Pool Farms...
Of the 2900+ stake pools, just 26 entities own the 99 stake pools that control 70% of all delegated stake on the network. Clearly, more single pool operators are required to truly decentralize the network!

The Fat Frog Cardano Stake Pool is a single pool operator (SPO) and is a member of The Cardano Single Pool Alliance, The Armada Alliance, and The Cardano xSPO Alliance. Our primary goal is to promote True Decentralization for the Cardano blockchain.
We strive to provide you and all our delegators with a top-quality staking service. We continually invest the fixed fee we generate each epoch to upgrade our systems and add additional relays to maximize our pool's block-producing capability, speed and efficiency. Our variable fee is and always will be 0% - allowing us to maximise returns for you, our delegators, whilst developing and maintaining a secure and reliable network.
You can review our pool info and statistics at adapools, cardanoscan, pooltool or pool.pm.
Our Team
We're a father and son team. Papa frog is a seasoned web developer and looks after the website and most of the social media accounts. Junior is a student - studying computer science and by far the cleverer of the two... He looks maintains and administers our stake pool and ensures we are always efficient, secure and cost effective. Together we're perfect harmony!